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CreativeTherapeutic „Reverse Metabolic Drug Design”-platform (RMDD) allows to select molecules with superior therapeutic index as promising new drug candidates; several novel therapeutic classes have been identified which could be modified according to RMDD-rules. The establishment of a new generation of metabolically “targeted anticancer agents” loaded with a novel DNA- metabolism blocking “warhead” leading to apoptosis. Potential of activation of immune response against false tumor epitopes.

PCT filed in 2012 worldwide, covering several chemical classes, having the potential to be individually optimized according to RMDD-rules. The patent applications are currently in the nationalization phase; first patents granted e.g. US; EU-grant is expected for 2017. The patent grants for more countries are still on their way without critical information.

Selection inventions may be filed to exploit the broader potential of the current PCT.
New patent applications are under preparation to cover new molecules which have been identified according to RMDD-analysis and have the therapeutic potential to broaden CT’s therapeutic approach.

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